voenkoms are hunting for me also.
what do you mean:
"instead of helping your country"
I'm in Kyiv working for peremoha as much as I can.

If it is all you want, i wish you to be back in matushka rossia as soon as possible.
take care of yourself and do not go mad. ;)
Why are you so mean to me =( What did i done to you?
You are not afraid you are terrified.. I'm running from russia since 2016 (tried russkij mir in Crimea for few years). Fuck Russia. I'll run to the west as soon as possible.
Sorry, i'm west oriented guy. I'm more about Raduga then skrepy.
BUT, if you are cute, i can invite you, to join me in Kyiv. I have some water and food, not to go out for a few months.
I'm always ready to help anyone in need.
Give me your location, i'll be there as soon as possible.
exactrly ;) You innocent child. Just do not google it.
Ok, follow me. But just in case, dow you know what beakjob is?
я плохо читаю по губам, можно сабы?
Это только я или кусок обоины у миши на лице похож на пенис.
Это первое о чем я подумал))