furry комиксы (furry comics) :: Valsalia :: furry (фурри) :: furry artist :: Yinglet :: transfur :: transformation :: Gender bender :: фэндомы

furry artist Valsalia furry комиксы Gender bender transformation transfur Yinglet ...furry фэндомы 

W Шгй Matriarch?^4 Le, uh, Pood stores h^iare on Pire
■Шя/я^е1/7я^Ш1 Щлотту hey hey menu 'y mommy I uh hey mot mm у hey hey mommy / meu mommy mommy A|
wxtn gam' out. Pon't Pollcw me
™ Matriarch/
Why dpgs ге sun гми across
ze skyP Is it aPraid?
a load oP
SI just йезгс/

Р<2ййй, just a little lesso^f , in humility Pon ze high ) '^and mighty humevu^'
Чои- ашлт?*
oh, sis is hilarious/ 3ust LOOK at ya, ya bastard/
Oooh, you're дота be a pretty] one, ain't ycha?.,furry

Oh god oh god what is- is this even happeningF Wo,
yeah- calm down. There (я /ЛА? AA! ^!$Дг^ап-
got to be something yo/^7tf0 CA„^ run! what can do to change thev^V1^.1 Sas? thinking situation in your Pavo
^7 l^tboudht- never-ind. Wait, тацЬе?<
Алллаллл m3 head's all 1оорз like I just had a

Where ye goin', huh? Gome go look Por help? Уои'ге д scav row! Z>e only "help" s human'll ever give yd is в kick down za street!
Hell iP I know!
Guess old Mdtridrch Zebbie zhought I could use some help poppin' out younglets?
Or maybe, like me, she Pioured some bastard human

Okay! во there... might have been a liiiiittle mistake here. ______________________________
I thought you were one oP those bas-'^Jards who—гл^
You’ve stolen ^jmy HPe./'
Hey, let's not point Pmgens
— --^ / ----
ended your UPe

^	Н... hey listen,
sis wasn't za UPe I wanted ^^eizher, okay?
“ I'm only za Matriarch ^ oP my enclave because I was ze only female ze old Matriarch had bePore, she kicked it!
And we don't
f iave any Patriarchs уet\ so everybody expects me to , tell zhem what to do, but I i \ have no idea what

How is zat even possible!?
Sis town is in ze middle oP a major trade route between all za major Parming communities in ze area, and zey're always buying za copper zat zis town has more zkan it can ever use!,furry artist,furry,фурри,фэндомы,Valsalia,furry комиксы,furry comics,Gender

■'Ooes zhar^. mean noshing vtc у out? s
'0\i come Oti! Уou have a huge Poodstock dePicit, yet you're sitting on a massive materials surplus'
У Well I’m sure it means something to you, miss I know dll .se big words oohу look it me У'
An' here we are, sitting on ze only metal deposits in

Уои зге steying,
I heard you talking
came here to help, right?
> -s

I'm really really Wsorry about what I did, ever ^ zhough you look a lot less ugly row.
Well we need your help! Us, end za dumb humar mirers.
So uh... let me help you row, okay? I'll show you everyzhirg you reed

W Шгй Matriarch?^4 Le, uh, Pood stores h^iare on Pire SAT'S J77 ■Шя/я^е1/7я^Ш1 Щлотту hey hey menu 'y mommy I uh hey mot mm у hey hey mommy / meu mommy mommy A| anymore wxtn gam' out. Pon't Pollcw me ™ Matriarch/ Why dpgs ге sun гми across ze skyP Is it aPraid? a load oP SI just йезгс/ that the' Panune hit this area hard^ so I brought lots oP ^non-perishablePos -And you'll gouge us* I a daramorian rat/’ daraworF 5at's Prom way up norzh. гОййй, Pormer Matriarch ^ Zebelabala, I zhink toddy ч is ze day I use ze giPt , fb—^ijou lePt me.
sow WHAT OHO /OW IT'S actuauD WORKWG* AHAHA vAHAHA I CAM'Tj X^xEUIEVE ZL£^ Р<2ййй, just a little lesso^f , in humility Pon ze high ) '^and mighty humevu^' Чои- ашлт?* 'AAAAAAHAHAi oh, sis is hilarious/ 3ust LOOK at ya, ya bastard/ Oooh, you're дота be a pretty] one, ain't ycha?.
Oh god oh god what is- is this even happeningF Wo, yeah- calm down. There (я /ЛА? AA! ^!$Дг^ап- got to be something yo/^7tf0 CA„^ run! what can do to change thev^V1^.1 Sas? thinking situation in your Pavo ^7 l^tboudht- never-ind. Wait, тацЬе?< О Алллаллл m3 head's all 1оорз like I just had a buncha booZB n' su^at wfu} wh^ wh^? Abh, slow down slow down Slow down- no stoppit! Still in dan^r? G’otta find Some males, ^et Some protection... wait no, nononono. What was THAT? Bwomp yAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ those are»'t supposed to be thete is that why I'tn feeling all vulnerable and Squfshy no probably AAAAAAA nothing's in the ri^ht plac Heyyyyy there, beautiPul! Нее heel 1 think you re looking во much better than you did bePore, у a bastard. &uh... I didnn do annysshhing tcho ^ annul ^ HalAsiP ^ you wouldn't, iP you had te chance, у a bastard. I know how humans ^ are, oh ue si *{...zheу are^ bastards, you
Where ye goin', huh? Gome go look Por help? Уои'ге д scav row! Z>e only "help" s human'll ever give yd is в kick down za street! Uyahd. Honestly? Hell iP I know! Guess old Mdtridrch Zebbie zhought I could use some help poppin' out younglets? Or maybe, like me, she Pioured some bastard human out zhere needed Hah! Sat's exactly what I'm say in'! And humans are always bastards to us, so zat's why I did zat to... you... Hold on. Zat means Ooes zat mean...? Ze only bastard here
All plans my щ dreams Okay! во there... might have been a liiiiittle mistake here. ______________________________ вее, I thought you were one oP those bas-'^Jards who—гл^ You’ve stolen ^jmy HPe./' Hey, let's not point Pmgens sure! I mean might uh I ve — --^ / ---- ended your UPe as 4 a human? У ^ AAAAAAAAA ОКАУОКАУОКАУI ^up Let so ter 60^ YOU'RE ^bbba bastard! JEAAAAA I'M 2A L yvJ>ASTARO^C
^ Н... hey listen, sis wasn't za UPe I wanted ^^eizher, okay? “ I'm only za Matriarch ^ oP my enclave because I was ze only female ze old Matriarch had bePore, she kicked it! And we don't f iave any Patriarchs уet\ so everybody expects me to , tell zhem what to do, but I i \ have no idea what \Ъь^1'т doing! ' Ш- look! I'm jusrN вдут' zat you're rot ze only ore here who air't happy! X. Don't caaaaare WP Hell, my erclave would probably ditch me > m 5 second i'P sey saw arozher v Pemale show up ard s best me up/ ^ Ley already zhirk I'm useless. Wait, what? ' luzzat rneanN sa ozher ore's za .Matriarch row?> I durro1. Izzat how it bjworks?^ Уев! Уев it i-HU&&&GK -JS^AAAAAA SHUT UP 'SHUT UP m MAKE ЕУЕРУШРО H0PRX6LE —Г
How is zat even possible!? Sis town is in ze middle oP a major trade route between all za major Parming communities in ze area, and zey're always buying za copper zat zis town has more zkan it can ever use!
■'Ooes zhar^. mean noshing vtc у out? s '0\i come Oti! Уou have a huge Poodstock dePicit, yet you're sitting on a massive materials surplus' У Well I’m sure it means something to you, miss I know dll .se big words oohу look it me У' OH FOR- An' here we are, sitting on ze only metal deposits in za whole region! IP zis town would just quit wizh za selP-imposed isolation, you could trade Por more But wait- didn't the Pounders secede РгоиГ4 one o' those towns on account oP 'em bein’ ^ цHiah-Palutin' immoral jackasses?\y^ We should be Friends. S 0- ..Zhev\ you establish a seasonal trade route Por your copper And Fools/ We've been Pine on our own Por near thirty years now, and you’d throw away your . pride as Antenillians just because idiot scav says- Haha, nothin' to worry about, buddy/^ </_ Уои were saying?
\ right/? Уои зге steying, I heard you talking came here to help, right? > -s I'm really really Wsorry about what I did, ever ^ zhough you look a lot less ugly row. Well we need your help! Us, end za dumb humar mirers. So uh... let me help you row, okay? I'll show you everyzhirg you reed to krow iP you'rei дота be ore oP us. Two W'eel<s and a loT o-f worlc laTer Pourd a whole rest oP Pat juicy sraprats. y Lookitf ^ t? 'oof IP I take two away? zher what is ze diPPererce Joetweer zhese two row?^ Trademaster! The rew shipmert oP palegrair just came ir; car you ^ take a look? This really wasr't how I expected to sperd the seasor. but the locals are eager to get thirgs dore arourd here, so progress has beer swiPt; ard the towr's already catchirg the eyes oP the big tradehouses, so I really should stay at least urtil they serd a delegatior to check the place out. The Pood's rot the best arourd here, ard I'm still gettirg used to beirg urder Pour Peet tall... but Por a lot oP reasors, I Peel like I'm makirg more oP a diPPererce here thar I ever did arywhere else. I'm rot just sittirg ir a maror tallyirg up proPits ard losses; I'm really accomplishirg somethirg here, ard chargirg peoples' lives Por the better. I dor't krow how lorg I'll erd up stayirg... but it seems that ir some odd way, I Pourd what I was lookirg Por.
furry artist,furry,фурри,фэндомы,Valsalia,furry комиксы,furry comics,Gender bender,transformation,transfur,Yinglet
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lRyuul lRyuul 23.05.201614:19 ответить ссылка 0.2
Если его не запилят к завтрашнему вечеру(по Пекину), то его сделаю я.
А в общих чертах написано о межвидовых отношениях. Матрена считала ВСЕХ людей ублюдками и говноедами, но после того как Матрена превратила здравомыслящего толерантного человека в помимо того, что в представителя своей расы, ещё и в бабу. Позже она осознала свою неправоту поняв, что сейчас уже она ублюдок и говноед. Насколько я понял тот мужик был хорошим торговцем и распорядился медью, чего у них было достаточно чтобы построить каждому статую из оной, и начал торговать с соседними деревнями, чем и обеспечил(судя по всему) едой деревню.
Автор злоупотребляет разговорной лексикой(сокращения).
DVORAK DVORAK 23.05.201617:43 ответить ссылка 0.7
Огромное вам спасибо.
спс! ждемс
lRyuul lRyuul 23.05.201618:29 ответить ссылка 0.1
Перевода пока нет, но вы держитесь, всего вам доброго, хорошего настроения и здоровья.
DVORAK DVORAK 05.06.201618:45 ответить ссылка 0.2
Я уже прочитал давно)
lRyuul lRyuul 10.06.201623:17 ответить ссылка 0.3
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Лолин.' Помоги/ веб девушки Цвенмотд гоняются зд мной, ни минуты ----------- покоя/_________________- / Мужчины не обращают \ на меня внимдния, оно и ПОНЯТНО, МАЛО КОМУ НРДвЯТСЯ огромные мускулистые Жбнщины. Ышер? твои Я знаю/ Я чувствую севя как огромный вОЛОСАТЫй \ мужик/ ^ в-волосы/Р На г
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