What does Mordecai look like when he first wakes up in the morning? you can tell a lot about a person that way. Actually I'd like to see how any of the cast wakes up, and by "any of the cast" I mostly mean Zib. Rocky would be a bonus. Oh and Mitzi without makeup..." Mordecai: He looks like this, of course. ...a short time after looking . (ike this. Zib: wen, consciousness is more of a continuum than a binary. He's working on it. Mi+Zi: Really, it’s the mornings after she’s passed out with all of her makeup still on that are noteworthy... I BROUGHT you SOME BREAKFAST TEA AND— OH. OH, SORRy. I DIDN'T MEAN TO INSULT yOUR CLOWN COSTUME. WHA T EXPLODED/? ARE YOU HURT? FOR WHEN yOU HAVC TO SCARE UP THE JOy r JUST ™ AND MIRTH...IN THE TERRliy IT . CHILDREN. RIGHT TO THE SURFACE. . IT’S A LOVELy COSTUME. EFfECTIVE. I MEAN. SARRW6 MUST BE ONE OF THE TOP FIVE QUALITIES ANy CONSUMMATE CLOWN ^ ASPIRES TO— A Rockq:
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