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that one guy

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Теги (через запятую):

tinygaypirate furry artist artist Apogee (tinygaypirate) Original Character furry f furry art furry dog furry canine furrotica ...furry фэндомы 

pov: just finished making massage for a dog and she is dead asleep

only flatcolor for warm ups from now one because its always shit at the start... didnt even want to post

 # Г^уу ^ j в^ш'^Ё Г' ’ ж,tinygaypirate,furry artist,artist,Apogee (tinygaypirate),Original Character,OC,furry f,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry dog,furry canine,furrotica


tinygaypirate,furry artist,artist,Apogee (tinygaypirate),Original Character,OC,furry f,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry dog,furry canine,furrotica


MykeGreywolf artist furry artist furry f furry art furrotica furry lion furry feline furry swimsuit ...furry фэндомы 


furry MF furry tiger furry canine furotica Zorryn furry artist artist furry 3D furry gif furry wolf ...furry фэндомы furry art furry feline 


ipoke furry artist artist furry fox furry canine furry art ...furry фэндомы 

ipoke,furry artist,artist,furry fox,furry canine,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы
No one will ever know our names...

...but the bards' songs will remain.


cristalavi furry artist artist furry f furry art furrotica furry canine furry dog натурщица ...furry фэндомы 


tinygaypirate furry artist artist Apogee (tinygaypirate) Original Character furry f furry art furry dog furry canine furrotica ...furry фэндомы 

to answer people who are upset that im drawing only one character all the time and not doing "other stuff"
im still studying
its been just over the year after i started to at least think about what im doing
im bad okay
i hope that explains all the poses and other stuff
tinygaypirate,furry artist,artist,Apogee (tinygaypirate),Original Character,OC,furry f,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry dog,furry canine,furrotica

tinygaypirate furry artist artist Apogee (tinygaypirate) Original Character furry f furry art furry dog furry canine furrotica ...furry фэндомы 

note to self - dont draw while angry

pic is horrible because of that

quick follow up to animation

a hotdog from gas station and she can get another free generic cola™ with this cap

» ei/ем ‘OLA т>,tinygaypirate,furry artist,artist,Apogee (tinygaypirate),Original Character,OC,furry f,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry dog,furry canine,furrotica

ill just post another one straight away

strength in numbers

 щщщ 1<*7\r/”‘ щтт L к* Oü 1 / ■ , Л1,tinygaypirate,furry artist,artist,Apogee (tinygaypirate),Original Character,OC,furry f,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry dog,furry canine,furrotica


Saltamor furry bear furry art furry m furry Fantasy ...furry фэндомы 


kokuri0 Cocri furry dog furry canine furry art ...furry фэндомы 

kokuri0,Cocri,furry dog,furry canine,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы


kokuri0,Cocri,furry dog,furry canine,furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы


Отличный комментарий!

"Ты бы и собаку..."
militare militare29.01.202312:54ссылка
да он так и сделал
GrimMan GrimMan29.01.202314:53ссылка

white-stripes furrotica furry dragon scaly furry art furry f ...furry фэндомы 

Did you have another Nightmare?

Not every dusk is peaceful.
Not every evening is full of sweet dreams.
Not every night is free from the things that go bump.

white-stripes,furrotica,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry dragon,scaly,scalie,furry art,furry f

For nights like that, Zaryn's little ones know that she'll never be upset if they wake her up.
She'll always be there for them to come to when their dreams go awry and they need her to feel safe again.
Afterall sometimes the best thing to keep the nightmares away is for a Mak'tah's embrace under the covers.
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