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Spike Ray

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Теги (через запятую):

furry art sergal Ray Etherna ...furry фэндомы 

Name: Gocddar |gli-dar| Species: scrgal Sex: male Age: 23
Personality: optimistic and lively, friendly (most of the time) quite ironic.
Tends to be careless when it comes to business, but cares much
for his close friends and family.
Mood often changes -quite unexpectedly at times.
Even though

furry art furry wolf Spike and Hatred oomizuao furry canine ...furry фэндомы 

"you can't kill me, 'cos I'm already inside you..." ~ SlipKnoT

furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry art,furry wolf,Spike and Hatred,oomizuao,furry canine

this is Spike and Hatred. Hatred is a shapeshifter and demon, who talks to Spike occasionally. Spike sees him as a real creature, when really Hatred is just an emotion. Spike's brain's way of protecting Spike, in a complicated way... He's an emotion Spike is afraid of admitting he has.

Hatred is a personality inside of Spike, which is actually a defense mechanism; an extreme way of bottling up bad memories after long term abuse.
Hatred started out as an undefined shape, in the mind of Spike when he was a child, and was a kinder, but rude personality. Spike talked back to Hatred because, well, he had no one else in the world to talk to at the time.
Hatred soon told Spike things he should do to harm or even kill Charles (his abusive uncle, to those who don't know). But Spike was too afraid of Charles to do anything back. Besides, he was a brainwashed kid, who believed Charles loved him and that he deserved the abuse.
Hatred got sick of Spike never listening to him, eventually, and tried taking over his mind permanently. He would talk down to Spike, in a way that Spike would believe in it. The plan was that if he could get Spike to trust him, he could easily take over his mind. However, Spike started hating Hatred, because he'd completely stopped being nice to Spike, he was just a rude, evil and unpleasant creature. And Spike wanted to get rid of him.
This was, in a way, Hatred's plan all along; the more hate Spike had, and felt, the more alike they would be, and when Spike eventually became full of hate, they would end up being the one and same person...

So, this is just a drawing to have fun with that idea, of Hatred and Spike becoming one. And I like the idea that Hatred can do whatever he wants to Spike, but Spike can't even touch Hatred -- because he only exists in Spike's mind, but Spike doesn't even realize that.

So I think that quote there fits... :3 "you can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you"

..and Hatred can't really kill Spike since he's just a figment of Spike's imagination..


oomizuao furry artist furry art Ray ...furry фэндомы 

oomizuao,furry artist,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry art,Ray

oomizuao furry artist Spike and Hatred furry art ...furry фэндомы 

furry,фурри,фэндомы,oomizuao,furry artist,Spike and Hatred,furry art


furry art oomizuao Spike and Hatred ...furry фэндомы 

t >.*>ч >• /I* (ívta,фэндомы,furry,фурри,furry art,oomizuao,Spike and Hatred

Ray песочница furry art oomizuao furry artist ...furry фэндомы 

Ray,furry,фурри,фэндомы,песочница,furry art,oomizuao,furry artist

Ray песочница furry art oomizuao furry artist ...furry фэндомы 

Ray,furry,фурри,фэндомы,песочница,furry art,oomizuao,furry artist

Ray песочница furry art oomizuao furry artist ...furry фэндомы 

Ray,furry,фурри,фэндомы,песочница,furry art,oomizuao,furry artist

oomizuao Spike and Hatred ...furry фэндомы 

В последнее время я выкладывал в фурри разделе картинки авторства <a href=" http://joyreactor.cc/tag/oomizuao">oomizuao</a> и перевод ее комиксов.
Некоторые реакторчане заинтересовались всей историей Спайка и прочих. И я, в принципе, не против покачать свое знание английского.
Нулевую главу, к примеру, я уже почти перевел. Но в этом и вся заковыка.
Я о том, что <a href="http://joyreactor.cc/post/1205715">вот этот</a> пост почти полностью состоит из иллюстраций к этой главе, и в тексте все гораздо более страшно и до отвращения подробно. Но, я так понимаю, важно для понимания "странностей" Спайка.
Далее по сюжету - лучше, например  <a href="http://joyreactor.cc/post/1227913">пост про то как Сэм познакомился со Спайком</a> - это краткий пересказ третей главы. (Впрочем, дальше пятой я сам не читал еще)
Поскольку у меня есть сомнения на счет стоит ли сюда начинать выкладывать переведенную новеллу про Спайка - пилю опрос.
(Думаю итоги можно будет посмотреть уже завтра вечером)

ЗЫ: если таки выкладывать - какие теги туда дополнительно крепить? "фурри-текста" нет, NSFW-контента - тоже (в гуро оно не подходит). Прошу указать в комментариях, чтобы я два раза не спрашивал.

"SPIKE - the novel" на русском. Стоит ли здесь выкладывать?
Да, определенно стОит. Хочу знать всю историю.
74 (98.7%)
Нет, особенно если там такая чернуха.
0 (0.0%)
Выкладывай, но только не переведенные оригиналы.
1 (1.3%)

furotica rai Wyntersun ...furry фэндомы 

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