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Space Vixen - Deep Space k9

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Теги (через запятую):

грусть море Сальери furry wolf furry art ...furry фэндомы 

furry,фурри,фэндомы,грусть,море,Сальери,furry wolf,furry art

ewgengster furry artist artist scaly (scalie) furry art furotica нарисуй сам фурри адэна ...furry фэндомы 


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цТО T tZA ? Tô01/ ОИ1А C.OC** есть ИЕ'1- U* oAu* ^oro ГЛу4 Э’Т0СГ'(,°С' 3Ü ( пр ДдЭИА Руаяе^ь : бПроЧЕ^' 0СЕГД ? TA^ po ^ Êc-rb. oP^ / c nPA'JJI/l6A^ но e^w 410 чур я ОУ ПАСУ \Л,ewgengster,furry artist,artist,scaly (scalie),furry

furry art furry fox Jocarra ...furry фэндомы 

furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry art,furry fox,Jocarra

Volchish furry coub furry other ...furry фэндомы 

Volchish, считаю что один из самых интересных фурри коубоделов в славянском сегменте, зайдите к нему на канал на досуге, может тоже что приглянеться. Разумеется он делает не только фурри коубы, а как душа велит, так что не обезсудте. В коменты выложу еще несколько.

furry canine furry art Foxlau furry милитаризм ...furry фэндомы 

furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry canine,furry art,Foxlau,furry милитаризм,furry with weapon

#Twokinds Twokinds furry other ...furry фэндомы 

Скетчи, цветные рисунки по комиксу Twokinds тут уже давно выкладываются и даже набирают приличное количество плюсов. Может стоит расширить присутствие комикса?
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furry art furry m furry bunny пейзаж TomTC ...furry фэндомы 

Where the wind will take me

furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry m,furry bunny,пейзаж,TomTC

Аннотация от автора:

The sound of grass caressing against each other as it's being blown by the wind is heard, the journey through the valleys and forest was tough and i've encountered a lot of hardships along the way but it is worth it, it brought me here. I take a deep breath as the fresh air fills my lungs and sit there to gaze in the view. Ihn the distance i notice an old ruins, that might be where i plan to go next. This area is known for it's peaceful atmosphere as if nothing could go wrong... well except there's no one around. Not that i'm surprised in the slightest. A small portside building is seen, but i heard tales of this old ruin.. used to be a place where they hold ceremonies to please a harvest god of some sort. They say that the interiors are more majestic than what the exterior is showing me. But for now i just want to take in the scenery, lament of the past and maybe a nap won't be so bad... Maybe living like this was not so bad after all... who knows...


furry art furry feline furry f Ilse Gort ...furry фэндомы 

furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry art,furry feline,furry f,Caraid,Ilse Gort,Ilse Gort

furry art furry m furry bunny TomTC ...furry фэндомы 

Fishing and Relaxing

furry art,furry,фурри,фэндомы,furry m,furry bunny,TomTC

Аннотация от автора:

I caught nothing, i'm not that surprised to be honest. There was no sign of fish or water creature in this pond. But the water felt so good that i just don't mind sitting here holding the fishing rod, waiting for something that never come. It might sound boring but while i wait for something to happen, i looking around and think of this place that i'm in. It suppose to be a hidden spot deep in the forest.. privately owned i suppose. It hasn't been touched in a long time. The pond however still looks fresh and somehow maintain itself. It didn't turn into a muddy mess, it remains clear and fresh... one of those oddities that i might never understand. listening to a still working hand crank music player, i take off my boots and dip my foot into the water and just kind of enjoy fishing for nothing, though in the end i did get some fruit that just happens to floats by the pond. I should do this in the ocean sometimes in the future.


Chickhawk96 artist furry artist furry f furry art furrotica furry avian ...furry фэндомы 

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